“Take Me Out Of This Dull World!” Ponderings upon Mark Leckey, Transcendence, and the Thin Places Within Urban Landscapes…

Lady Liminal Dialects of the Hum, Folklore, Future Ghosts, Landscape, Memory, Surrealism, Technology, Underpasses are Liminal Places, Wanderings, Wyrd

“I had a sense of being propelled into the future while at the same time reversed into the prehistoric past. A past which held an animistic idea of the world, in which rocks and trees could speak” Leckey, in Wallis & Coustou 2019,16 This week, I was lucky enough to …

Deep Stratigraphies, Deeper Memories, Deepest Fears: How Underpasses Permeate The Netherworld, And The Mind

Lady Liminal Underpasses are Liminal Places

“The further downward you travel, the closer you come to the power” (Ackroyd 2012, 3) Underpasses are to be found within many towns and cities. They also appear within rural landscapes, often manifesting as tunnels and flyovers. Spaces of transportation; by foot, pedal, automotive, other… Movement equals transition, not only …