Liminal Lounge With Andy Sharp, Creator of The English Heretic Project

Lady Liminal Folklore, Future Ghosts, Landscape, Liminal Lounge, Underpasses are Liminal Spaces, Wyrd

In this latest edition of the Liminal Lounge, I get to spend over 90 minutes with the awesome, Andy Sharp, creator of the fantastic, English Heretic project. Brace yourselves for atomic semiotics, Rendlesham’s portals, psycho seagulls, and much, much more… To find out more about Andy’s latest work, a short …

Liminal Lounge With David Roden

Lady Liminal Folklore, Landscape, Liminal Lounge, Video, Wyrd

In this mammoth edition, David and I ponder upon whether I am me, or an alien interloper, Lovecraftian middens, sonics as release, whether snails have memories, and, of course, Snuff Memories. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll probably need to lie down in a darkened room afterwards, but you will come …

Liminal Worlds Welcomes The Spectre Collector…

Lady Liminal Audio, Folklore, Wyrd 93 Comments

Liminal Worlds welcomes The Spectre Collector; creator of haunted atmospheres – melding loops, field recordings, and found sounds. Based in Sydney, Australia, The Collector is a narrator, musician, singer, and student of parapsychology and the supernormal. So, sit back and ‘relax’, as we’re taken on journeys into the dark, and …